Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Masculinity and Femininity: Set by Society

Why do we as a society put so much pressure on men to be masculine and women to be feminine. Masculine males are not only equated to being dominate, possessive and strong. People also equate masculinity to being lean, cut and muscular. While feminine traits are characterized as being emotional, sweet and submissive. Also in order to be feminine you must also exude sexuality and attract the opposite sex.

But why should these traits be associated to each gender. People's personalties should be as they are and should not be judged as being masculine or feminine. This only makes males and females act a certain way only to fit the social norm. Men who possess so called "feminine" traits are normally picked on by other males and are not taken seriously by most women. While women who possess so called "masculine" traits do not have a lot of "feminine" friends, they have a hard time keeping boyfriends and do not give off sexuality.

The stereotypes of masculinity and femininity will always be prevelant in society. But we should not base our views of other people off of being masculine or feminine. Possessing masculine traits if your a man or feminine traits if your a woman does not make you a better person.

I am not discouraging masculinity or femininity but I do have a problem with the way "traditional roles" of male and female "traits" are presented.







  1. Society was built upon the classification of Masculinity and Femeninity. The male being the strong, domininant provider for his family and the woman submissive to her husband and care taker of the children. For centuries this has been and if you look back on then and now you'll see that men and women have definetley changed. Women have a choice and a voice to do as they please without a man by her side.

  2. They do but alot of men dont see women in as positive light as they should.
