Monday, November 30, 2009

Overrated Love

“Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... Anger... tears... laughter.. It's when you want to be together despite it all. That's when you truly love another. I'm sure of it.”

How can something that feels so good feel so bad at the same time? A feeling that makes smile but then turns around and makes you cry. This feeling of love is filled with many emotions—happiness, sadness, and confusion just to name a few. But why do people yearn for a feeling that sends you on a roller coaster of emotions? The answer is simple: love is overrated. In today’s society, we base love on what we see on TV and read in books. We also believe that in order to be happy you must be loved or show love to someone else.

Why is a feeling like love put on such a pedestal above all others? What happened to just being happy with the way things are? Love can be a great feeling when the love is real and mutual. But love can also cause a lot of unnecessary stress in your life. Why would you want unnecessary stress in your life on the cause of love? If love and heartbreak are intertwined: why is it a feeling wanted by so many? That’s because people use love as a way to fill a void in their life that is missing due to trauma they endured. When searching for love people forget the negative things that come along with it. This shows how love is overrated and misused. Love should not be used because you think having a mate will better your life. Love should not be used as a way to boost confidence or gain love for yourself because if you don’t love yourself no one else will.

Everyone believes they know what love is but many confuse love with lust. Love is when you submit yourself to a person where lust is when you are concerned with the person’s welfare. People fail to realize that love is not something that can be rushed and it does not happen overnight it takes time and dedication to another. People also confuse love with sex. Sex can be a wonderful feeling but a feeling as strong as loved should never be entirely based off of it. When truly in love you will feel it in your heart and never question it in your mind. You will find yourself doing things for another that will even surprise you. Love can make you’re your thoughts become cloudy, but being with your significant other can make all your problems seem minimal.

Love is a wonderful feeling that I believe everyone should experience at least once in their life. . Being truly in love is worth the wait and should be cherished and never taken for granted. We need to stop spending so much time trying to find love and let love find us. Love does not guarantee happiness and should never be a substitute for it. The word love will never stop being abused until we figure out what true love really is. But until that time love will be viewed as overrated.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

To Prenup or Not to Prenup

Today me and a group of people had a discussion where most young men felt that their wives should sign a prenup. Whereas, the young ladies felt that a prenup is not needed. I personally do not believe that a prenup should be apart of a marriage.

I feel a marriage should be looked like as a joining of souls and not a joining of incomes. But marriage is no longer looked at as that and it is now looked at as a business investment.

A prenup to me makes me feel like 1 party or both parties do not expect the marriage to work. If either parties have that mentality they should not get married. It also means that our relationship is not one and that we are separate. If we are separate in marriage it forces us to view our relationship as whats mine is mine and whats yours is yours.

Now I know some people are shady and are only after certain people for their money so some people think a prenup is necessary. But I simply believe that if you know that person is with you for your money than don't marry them. Sometimes relationships fail and more than likely a partner might have to pay some form of support to the other partner. I know this might not be fair but most payments last for a while. You just have to realize that sometimes you have to pay to get rid of some people for the rest of your life.

Some people also say that most people today do not marry solely for love. If you are scared that if you and your partner get divorced you will get raw end of the deal then you should look for a partner who is on your same level financially so you both can try to come off even.

While I don't believe in prenups a lot of people do and to those people I suggest either don't get married or marry someone you truly love and have a connection deeper than finances with.




The defenition of priorities is superority in rank, position or privilage.

But when I think of priorities I think of doing the most important thing first and leeting everything else fall back in order.Lately i have seen a lot of people whose actions suggest that their priorities are not straight.

Here is a list of things that people do that really bother me:

1.People who have rusty cars on the outside and have a nice sound system on the inside.

2.When your driving a nice car but you live in the projects and your rent is 10 dollars.

3.When you spend your bill money on your 4th of july outfit and hair.

4.You got a 500 dollar bag and you ride the bus.

5.You spend hundreds of dollars on clothes every 2 weeks but you live with your mother.

6.When you shop in Nordstrom and your babies clothes are from Target.

7.When you drive a Benz and you have on Coogi shirt.

8.You have on a pair of Prada's but you wearin angel jeans.

9.You got 10 pair of True Religion jeans but have no text books for school.

10.You riding on E all week but you have money to go the bar.

Feel free 2 add your own things that people do that show their priorities are not in order.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Masculinity and Femininity: Set by Society

Why do we as a society put so much pressure on men to be masculine and women to be feminine. Masculine males are not only equated to being dominate, possessive and strong. People also equate masculinity to being lean, cut and muscular. While feminine traits are characterized as being emotional, sweet and submissive. Also in order to be feminine you must also exude sexuality and attract the opposite sex.

But why should these traits be associated to each gender. People's personalties should be as they are and should not be judged as being masculine or feminine. This only makes males and females act a certain way only to fit the social norm. Men who possess so called "feminine" traits are normally picked on by other males and are not taken seriously by most women. While women who possess so called "masculine" traits do not have a lot of "feminine" friends, they have a hard time keeping boyfriends and do not give off sexuality.

The stereotypes of masculinity and femininity will always be prevelant in society. But we should not base our views of other people off of being masculine or feminine. Possessing masculine traits if your a man or feminine traits if your a woman does not make you a better person.

I am not discouraging masculinity or femininity but I do have a problem with the way "traditional roles" of male and female "traits" are presented.
