Monday, November 30, 2009

Overrated Love

“Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... Anger... tears... laughter.. It's when you want to be together despite it all. That's when you truly love another. I'm sure of it.”

How can something that feels so good feel so bad at the same time? A feeling that makes smile but then turns around and makes you cry. This feeling of love is filled with many emotions—happiness, sadness, and confusion just to name a few. But why do people yearn for a feeling that sends you on a roller coaster of emotions? The answer is simple: love is overrated. In today’s society, we base love on what we see on TV and read in books. We also believe that in order to be happy you must be loved or show love to someone else.

Why is a feeling like love put on such a pedestal above all others? What happened to just being happy with the way things are? Love can be a great feeling when the love is real and mutual. But love can also cause a lot of unnecessary stress in your life. Why would you want unnecessary stress in your life on the cause of love? If love and heartbreak are intertwined: why is it a feeling wanted by so many? That’s because people use love as a way to fill a void in their life that is missing due to trauma they endured. When searching for love people forget the negative things that come along with it. This shows how love is overrated and misused. Love should not be used because you think having a mate will better your life. Love should not be used as a way to boost confidence or gain love for yourself because if you don’t love yourself no one else will.

Everyone believes they know what love is but many confuse love with lust. Love is when you submit yourself to a person where lust is when you are concerned with the person’s welfare. People fail to realize that love is not something that can be rushed and it does not happen overnight it takes time and dedication to another. People also confuse love with sex. Sex can be a wonderful feeling but a feeling as strong as loved should never be entirely based off of it. When truly in love you will feel it in your heart and never question it in your mind. You will find yourself doing things for another that will even surprise you. Love can make you’re your thoughts become cloudy, but being with your significant other can make all your problems seem minimal.

Love is a wonderful feeling that I believe everyone should experience at least once in their life. . Being truly in love is worth the wait and should be cherished and never taken for granted. We need to stop spending so much time trying to find love and let love find us. Love does not guarantee happiness and should never be a substitute for it. The word love will never stop being abused until we figure out what true love really is. But until that time love will be viewed as overrated.


  1. Love is a pretty overrated feeling. More often then not love hurts, but when you do get it right, It's a great thing.

  2. love isnt overrated. Its only as overrated as someone makes it for real because not everyone feels the same way about love, and not everyone falls for a person as deeply as everyone else. It's pretty much whatever you make it, and its significance to you and the person your with. When you find a person that feels for you as strongly as you feel for them is when you truly understand the meaning of love. As cliche as that sounds when you it happens you'll understand how true the sterotypes and cliches of love really are.

  3. true true but I feel like alot of people dont know the difference btw. strong feelings and love. Just because you feel strongly for someone doesnt mean you should equate that feeling to love. Love takes time and feelings of liking someone as not as strong as love. And thats why I believe love is overrated

  4. Love is a great feeling though when it is real and mutual.
